Specifies the quality for encoding the chart as a JPEG image.
void object.SetJPGQuality( int quality )
The JPEG quality parameter is an integer between 0 to 100.
Specify 100 for high quality, 0 for low quality.
The default encoding quality is 75.
The following JSP code illustrates use of the SetJPGQuality method.
chart.SetDataFromTxtFile("C:\\myData.txt"); chart.LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // Choose the JPEG encoding quality chart.SetJPGQuality(90); // Outputs the chart as a JPEG image chart.SetOutputFormat("JPG"); chart.ExportAsResponse();
SetOutputFormat Method | ExportAsResponse Method | ExportAsFile Method | ExportAsBinary Method | GetHTMLTag | GetOutputLocation Method
Applies To: Chart Object