Generates the chart in the requested format and returns the relative url location of the generated cache file as a string.
String object.GetOutputLocation( )
The format of the generated content can be specified by the method SetOutputFormat.
"/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.svg"For a JPEG image file (JPG) the method returns a string like this one:
"/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.jpg"For a PNG image file (PNG) the method returns a string like this one:
"/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.png"For an Adobe Flash movie (SWF) the method returns a string like this one:
"/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.swf"For a PDF document file (PDF) the method returns a string like this one:
The following JSP code illustrates use of the GetOutputLocation method.
<%@ page import="com.globfx.swiffchart.SwiffChart" %> <% String installation_dir= "C:\\Program Files\\GlobFX\\Swiff Chart Generator 4"; String web_root= "C:\\tomcat\\webapps\\ROOT"; // Create a new Swiff Chart object SwiffChart chart= new SwiffChart(installation_dir); chart.SetServletInfo(request,response); chart.SetDocumentRoot(web_root); chart.SetCategoriesFromString("Q1;Q2;Q3;Q4"); chart.SetSeriesValuesFromString(0, "12;11;6;9"); chart.LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); chart.SetWidth( 400 ); chart.SetHeight( 200 ); // We can now generate the chart as a JPEG image chart.SetOutputFormat( "JPG" ); %> Here is the chart rendered as an image:<br> <img src="<% out.println( chart.GetOutputLocation()); %>" width=400 height=200>
SetOutputFormat Method | GetHTMLTag Method | SetCacheName Method | SetPrivateCacheDir Method | SetMaxCacheSize Method | ClearCache Method | UseCache Method
Applies To: Chart Object