Chart Members

Defines the base class for chart objects. The following tables list the members exposed by the Chart type.


Name Description
Chart Initializes a new instance of the Chart class.


Name Description
Animated Specifies whether the generated chart should be static or animated. Static charts are faster to generate than animated ones.
Compressed Specifies whether the generated content (SVG or Flash) should be compressed or not.
FrameRate Specifies the frame rate of the Flash movie generated from a chart object.
Height Specifies the height in pixels of the chart.
JpgQuality Specifies the quality for encoding the chart as a JPEG image.
Looping Specifies whether the generated Flash chart should be looping or not.
OutputFormat Specifies the output format of the generated chart.
PngCompressionLevel Specifies the compression level for encoding the chart as a PNG image.
SeriesCount Returns the number of series in the chart object.
Subtitle Specifies the subtitle of a chart (displayed on top of a chart, below the title).
Title Specifies the title of a chart (displayed on top of a chart).
ValuesCount Retrieves the number of series values and categories in the chart object.
Version Retrieves the version of a chart object.
Width Specifies the width in pixels of the chart.


Name Description
ClearAll Delete every series and categories and reset all the parameters of a chart (including title, subtitle, etc.).
ClearCache Forces the cache to be cleared (if caching is used).
ExportAsBinary Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the corresponding binary data.
ExportAsFile Saves the chart as a Flash movie file or an image file.
ExportAsResponse Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart object and writes it to the Response intrinsic object.
GetAxisTitle Retrieves the title of a given axis.
GetCategory Retrieves the name of a category from its index.
GetHTMLTag Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the HTML tag as a string.
GetOutputLocation Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the relative url location of the generated cache file as a string.
GetSeparators Retrieves the characters to be treated as separators in the string arguments of the SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile methods.
GetSeriesCaption Retrieves the caption of a data series from its index.
GetSeriesValue Returns the specified value of a series in the chart object.
GetSeriesXValue Returns the specified X value of a series in the chart object (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
GetSeriesYValue Returns the specified Y value of a series in the chart object.
GetSeriesZValue Returns the specified Z value (bubble size) of a series in the chart object (for Bubble charts).
LoadStyle Loads the graphical parameters of a chart object from a Swiff Chart style file (.scs).
ResetAxisBounds Force Swiff Chart Generator to automatically evaluate Cross and Bounds values of a given axis.
SetAxisCrossValue Specifies the cross value of a selected axis (the value at which the other axis crosses the selected axis).
SetAxisMaxValue Specifies the highest value displayed from all data series as the highest data value on a given axis.
SetAxisMinValue Specifies the lowest value displayed from all data series as the smallest data value on a given axis.
SetAxisTitle Specifies the title of a given axis.
SetCacheName Specifies the cache name if caching is used.
SetCategoriesFromArray Set categories names from data stored in a single-dimension array.
SetCategoriesFromString Set categories names from data encoded in a separator-delimited string.
SetDataFromQuery Specifies the data (i.e. title, series values & captions, categories, etc) directly from the query string (i.e. the url arguments of the page)
SetDebugMode Specifies the debug mode of the chart object.
SetLocaleInfo Specifies an item of locale information to be used when parsing string values in the following methods SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetSeriesXValuesFromString, SetSeriesYValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile.
SetMaxCacheSize Specifies the maximum size of the cache in KB (if caching is used).
SetPrivateCacheDir Specifies the private cache directory if caching is used.
SetSeparators Specifies the characters to be treated as separators in the string arguments of the SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile methods.
SetSeriesCaption Specifies the caption for a series defined by its index in a chart.
SetSeriesCaptionsFromArray Specifies all the series captions from strings stored in a single-dimension array.
SetSeriesCaptionsFromString Specifies all the series captions from data encoded in a separator-delimited string.
SetSeriesColor Specifies the color for a series defined by its index in a chart.
SetSeriesTrendlineColor Specifies the color for the trendline associated with a series defined by its index in a chart.
SetSeriesValueColor Specifies the color for a series defined by its index in a chart.
SetSeriesValuesFromArray Set series values from data stored in a single-dimension array.
SetSeriesValuesFromString Set series values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string.
SetSeriesXValuesFromArray Set series X values from data stored in a single-dimension array (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
SetSeriesXValuesFromString Set series X values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
SetSeriesXYValuesFromString Set series X and Y values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
SetSeriesYValuesFromArray Set series Y values from data stored in a single-dimension array (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
SetSeriesYValuesFromString Set series Y values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves).
SetSeriesZValuesFromArray Set series Z values (bubble sizes) from data stored in a single-dimension array (for Bubble charts).
SetSeriesZValuesFromString Set series Z values (bubble sizes) from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for Bubble charts).
SetUnicode Specifies whether imported data from text file should be treated as unicode (UTF-16).
UseCache Forces caching to be used or not.