Name |
Description |
ClearAll |
Delete every series and categories and reset all the parameters of a chart (including title, subtitle, etc.). |
ClearCache |
Forces the cache to be cleared (if caching is used). |
ExportAsBinary |
Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the corresponding binary data. |
ExportAsFile |
Saves the chart as a Flash movie file or an image file. |
ExportAsResponse |
Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart object and writes it to the Response intrinsic object. |
GetAxisTitle |
Retrieves the title of a given axis. |
GetCategory |
Retrieves the name of a category from its index. |
GetHTMLTag |
Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the HTML tag as a string. |
GetOutputLocation |
Generates a Flash movie or an image from a chart and returns the relative url location of the generated cache file as a string. |
GetSeparators |
Retrieves the characters to be treated as separators in the string arguments of the SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile methods. |
GetSeriesCaption |
Retrieves the caption of a data series from its index. |
GetSeriesValue |
Returns the specified value of a series in the chart object. |
GetSeriesXValue |
Returns the specified X value of a series in the chart object (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
GetSeriesYValue |
Returns the specified Y value of a series in the chart object. |
GetSeriesZValue |
Returns the specified Z value (bubble size) of a series in the chart object (for Bubble charts). |
LoadStyle |
Loads the graphical parameters of a chart object from a Swiff Chart style file (.scs). |
ResetAxisBounds |
Force Swiff Chart Generator to automatically evaluate Cross and Bounds values of a given axis. |
SetAxisCrossValue |
Specifies the cross value of a selected axis (the value at which the other axis crosses the selected axis). |
SetAxisMaxValue |
Specifies the highest value displayed from all data series as the highest data value on a given axis. |
SetAxisMinValue |
Specifies the lowest value displayed from all data series as the smallest data value on a given axis. |
SetAxisTitle |
Specifies the title of a given axis. |
SetCacheName |
Specifies the cache name if caching is used. |
SetCategoriesFromArray |
Set categories names from data stored in a single-dimension array. |
SetCategoriesFromString |
Set categories names from data encoded in a separator-delimited string. |
SetDataFromQuery |
Specifies the data (i.e. title, series values & captions, categories, etc) directly from the query string (i.e. the url arguments of the page) |
SetDebugMode |
Specifies the debug mode of the chart object. |
SetLocaleInfo |
Specifies an item of locale information to be used when parsing string values in the following methods SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetSeriesXValuesFromString, SetSeriesYValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile. |
SetMaxCacheSize |
Specifies the maximum size of the cache in KB (if caching is used). |
SetPrivateCacheDir |
Specifies the private cache directory if caching is used. |
SetSeparators |
Specifies the characters to be treated as separators in the string arguments of the SetSeriesValuesFromString, SetCategoriesFromString and SetDataFromTxtFile methods. |
SetSeriesCaption |
Specifies the caption for a series defined by its index in a chart. |
SetSeriesCaptionsFromArray |
Specifies all the series captions from strings stored in a single-dimension array. |
SetSeriesCaptionsFromString |
Specifies all the series captions from data encoded in a separator-delimited string. |
SetSeriesColor |
Specifies the color for a series defined by its index in a chart. |
SetSeriesTrendlineColor |
Specifies the color for the trendline associated with a series defined by its index in a chart. |
SetSeriesValueColor |
Specifies the color for a series defined by its index in a chart. |
SetSeriesValuesFromArray |
Set series values from data stored in a single-dimension array. |
SetSeriesValuesFromString |
Set series values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string. |
SetSeriesXValuesFromArray |
Set series X values from data stored in a single-dimension array (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
SetSeriesXValuesFromString |
Set series X values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
SetSeriesXYValuesFromString |
Set series X and Y values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
SetSeriesYValuesFromArray |
Set series Y values from data stored in a single-dimension array (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
SetSeriesYValuesFromString |
Set series Y values from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for XY-Scatter and XY-Curves). |
SetSeriesZValuesFromArray |
Set series Z values (bubble sizes) from data stored in a single-dimension array (for Bubble charts). |
SetSeriesZValuesFromString |
Set series Z values (bubble sizes) from data encoded in a separator-delimited string (for Bubble charts). |
SetUnicode |
Specifies whether imported data from text file should be treated as unicode (UTF-16). |
UseCache |
Forces caching to be used or not. |