Namespace: GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator
Assembly: GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator (in GlobFX.SwiffChartGenerator.dll)
Generates the chart in the requested format and returns the HTML tag as a string.
Public Function GetHTMLTag As String
public string GetHTMLTag();
The format of the generated content can be specified by the OutputFormat property.
<OBJECT type="image/svg+xml" data="/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.svg" width="300" height="200"> </OBJECT>
<IMG src="/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.jpg" width="300" height="200">
<OBJECT width=300 height=200 classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11CF-96B8-444553540000" codebase=",0,2,0"> <param name=movie value="/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.swf"> <param name=quality value=high> <EMBED src="/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.swf" width=300 height=200 quality=high pluginspage="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash"> </EMBED> </OBJECT>
This Flash object will need the Flash 4 Player or higher on the client browser. If Flash compression is enabled, the Flash object will automatically requires the Flash 6 Player or higher.
This HTML tag is compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Firefox and Opera browsers.
<OBJECT type="application/pdf" data="/charts_cache/9A7DE3D6-CE1E412B.pdf" width="300" height="200" </OBJECT>
The following code illustrates use of the GetHTMLTag method.
' Create the chart series chart.SetDataFromTxtFile("C:\\myData.txt") chart.LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs") ' Generate the chart and print the HTML tag referencing it this.Response.Write( chart.GetHTMLTag() )
// Create the chart series chart.SetDataFromTxtFile("C:\\myData.txt"); chart.LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // Generate the chart and print the HTML tag referencing it Me.Response.Write( chart.GetHTMLTag() );
OutputFormat Property | GetOutputLocation Method | SetCacheName Method | SetPrivateCacheDir Method | SetMaxCacheSize Method | ClearCache Method | UseCache Method
Applies To: Chart Object