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HOW TO: Setting Swiff Chart Generator cache directory permissions

The information in this article applies to:

  • Swiff Chart Generator 3

This article illustrates how to set appropriate directory permissions to use Swiff Chart Generator cache with IIS.

When the internal chart cache directory of Generator is not created or has improper rights, the following error is displayed by IIS:

  SwiffChartObject.ChartObj.1 (0x80040214)
  Cannot write to directory: c:\inetpub\wwwroot\charts_cache\
  /samples/ASP/BasicTypes/Column.asp, line 39

The problem is due to a directory permission. The method GetHTMLTag uses the internal chart cache.

The default location of the internal cache of Swiff Chart Generator is the directory "/charts_cache" in the root directory of IIS ("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\charts_cache" for example).
If this directory does not exist, the component tries to create it but may fail due to improper permissions. If this directory exists, it must have the "Write" permissions.

To solve this problem, simply create the directory "<your_server_root>/charts_cache" ("C:\inetpub\wwwroot\charts_cache" for example), and make it writeable by the component.

To create the charts_cache directory and set proper permissions:

1. Create a charts_cache directory in the root directory of the web server.

2. Right-click on the directory and select Properties.

3. In the Properties window, select the Security tab.

  • Click here if the Security Tab is not displayed
    You must be running NTFS as your file system.

    In Windows Explorer, go to Tools, Folder Options, View and uncheck Use Simple File Sharing.

  • 4. Under Group or users names, select Users (machine_name\Users).

    5. Under Permissions, select the types of access for the selected user or group.
    Use Allow to specifically allow Write access to the directory. Click OK.

    Swiff Chart Generator