
Adding <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags manually

Note: The method GetHTMLTag automatically generates appropriate the HTML tag for inserting a Flash movie in a HTML page. This method requires caching.


To correctly display a Flash movie in a browser, an HTML page must contain specific tags that reference the Flash movie file to be opened and played. These tags are the OBJECT and EMBED tags.

The two tags are actually required for correctly displaying a Flash movie in Internet Explorer as well as in Netscape Navigator.

Note: Hand coding HTML pages with OBJECT and EMBED tags is not necessary when using Swiff Chart. Use the View HTML button available in the Save step to automatically generate the HTML code required for browsers to display the Flash movie on the web.

Also note: HTML authoring tools like Adobe Dreamweaver or Microsoft FrontPage can easily embed a Flash movie into an HTML document.

Adding <OBJECT> and <EMBED> tags manually

It's simple to create the tags required to display a Flash movie in a browser. To add OBJECT and EMBED tags manually:

  1. Copy the HTML code below and paste it into your HTML.
     <OBJECT CLASSID="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
       <PARAM NAME="MOVIE" VALUE="moviename.swf">
       <PARAM NAME="PLAY" VALUE="true">
       <PARAM NAME="LOOP" VALUE="true">
       <PARAM NAME="QUALITY" VALUE="high">
       <EMBED SRC="moviename.swf"

  2. Edit the attributes of the tags for the movie.
    • Change the HEIGHT and WIDTH parameters to match the height and width of the movie dimensions or use percentage values, if desired.
    • Change "moviename.swf" where it appears in the OBJECT and EMBED tags to the name of movie to be played.


To ensure that most browsers will display your Flash movies, you should place the EMBED tag nested within the OBJECT tag as shown in the above example. ActiveX-enabled browsers will "ignore" the EMBED tag inside the OBJECT tag. Netscape and Microsoft browsers using the Flash Plugin will not recognize the OBJECT tag and will read only the EMBED tag.