This example creates a chart using data from an ADO recordset. A tab-delimited string is created from the returned recordset data, and then this string is used with the SetCategoriesFromString and SetSeriesValuesFromString methods to set the chart data.
To run this example, copy the remainder of the text in this topic into an ASP page.
<%@Language = VBScript %> <%' use this meta tag instead of> <!--METADATA TYPE="typelib" uuid="00000205-0000-0010-8000-00AA006D2EA4" --> <% Response.Expires= 0 Dim categories, values Dim Cnxn, strCnxn Dim rs, strSQL ' This example connects to a sample database named db1.mdb ' and charts the table named Info. ADO is used to open a ' connection to the database and return the entire recordset. The query ' contains two columns: Name and Sales. ' The records are then extracted into strings. ' Open connection to the "db1.mdb" Access Data Base strCnxn= "C:\db1.mdb" strCnxn= "DRIVER={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb)};DBQ=" & strCnxn Set Cnxn= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Cnxn.Open strCnxn Set Cmd= Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Cmd.ActiveConnection= Cnxn strSQL = "SELECT * From Info" Cmd.CommandText = strSQL Set rs= Cmd.Execute categories = "" values = "" ' Start at the first record and move through the entire recordset. ' Field 0 is the category name, Field 1 is the sales value. ' Create a semicolon-delimited string for the names and one for the values. rs.MoveFirst While Not rs.EOF categories = categories & rs.Fields(0).Value & ";" values = values & rs.Fields(1).Value & ";" rs.MoveNext Wend ' Close and release the DB resources Cnxn.Close Set Cmd = Nothing Set rs = Nothing Set Cnxn = Nothing ' Remove the leftover Semicolon character at the end of the strings. categories = Left(categories, Len(categories) - 1) values = Left(values, Len(values) - 1) ' Create a new Swiff Chart object. Dim chart Set chart= Server.CreateObject("SwiffChartObject.ChartObj") ' Create a chart with one series (called "Sales"). chart.SetSeriesCaption 0, "Sales" ' Set the series categories and values using the strings created from the recordset. chart.SetSeparators ";", true chart.SetCategoriesFromString categories chart.SetSeriesValuesFromString 0, values ' Set the chart title to "Sales for 1976". chart.SetTitle "Sales for 1976" ' Set the chart graphical layout with a Swiff Chart style file. ' "C:\myStyle.scs" is a dummy filename, it must be replaced by a correct filename. chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs" ' Finally generate the Flash chart into the Response object. chart.ExportAsResponse ' Release the chart object Set chart= Nothing Response.End %>
Creating a Chart Using Data Specified in Arrays
Creating a Chart Using Data Specified in Strings
Creating a Chart Using Data From a Text File
Creating a Chart Using Data Specified in URLs