Specifies whether imported data from text file should be treated as unicode (UTF-16).
void object->SetUnicode( boolean unicode )
The method SetUnicode should be used in conjunction with the SetDataFromTxtFile method. It actually specifies whether the text file to import via the method SetDataFromTxtFile should be treated as unicode or ASCII.
If you call the SetDataFromTxtFile method without previously calling the SetUnicode method, the text file to import will be treated as an ASCII text file.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the SetUnicode method.
// Import the data from an unicode text file $chart->SetUnicode(true); $chart->SetDataFromTxtFile("C:\\myUnicodeDataFile.txt"); // Set the graphics settings from a style file $chart->LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // The chart is complete, we can now generate the movie $chart->ExportAsResponse();
SetDataFromTxtFile Method | SetSeparators Method
Applies To: Chart Object