Specifies the frame rate of the Flash movie generated from a chart object.
void object->SetFrameRate( int framerate )
The SetFrameRate method specifies the frame rate in frames per second of the final Flash movie generated from a chart object. That is the number of frames displayed per second in the movie.
Loading a chart style with the LoadStyle method sets the frame rate to the value stored in the style file.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the SetFrameRate method.
$chart->SetDataFromQuery(); $chart->LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // Retrieve movie frame rate set by the call of LoadStyle method $fps= $chart->GetFrameRate(); // We want a movie with a minimum frame rate of 12 frames per second if( $fps < 12 ) $chart->SetFrameRate(12); $chart->ExportAsResponse();
GetFrameRate Method | SetTitle Method | SetSubtitle Method | SetWidth Method | SetHeight Method
Applies To: Chart Object