Force Swiff Chart Generator to automatically evaluate Cross and Bounds values of a given axis.
void object->ResetAxisBounds( int axis_number )
The ResetAxisBounds method forces Swiff Chart Generator to automatically calculate the minimum value, the maximum value and the cross value of the selected axis.
The axis is defined by an integer value interpreted as follows:
Code | Definition |
0 |
Horizontal Axis |
1 |
Vertical Axis |
2 |
Secondary Horizontal Axis |
3 |
Secondary Vertical Axis |
Use the SetAxisMinValue method to specify a custom minimum value of the selected axis.
Use the SetAxisMaxValue method to specify a custom maximum value of the selected axis.
Use the SetAxisCrossValue method to specify a custom cross value of the selected axis.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the ResetAxisBounds method in a PHP page.
$chart->ResetAxisBounds( 0 ); $chart->ResetAxisBounds( 1 ); // Set the minimum date displayed on the X axis to 05/2007 $chart->SetAxisMinValue( 0, "05/2007" ); // Set the minimum value displayed on the Y axis to 110 $chart->SetAxisMinValue( 1, 110 ); // All the other values are automatically calculated $chart->ExportAsResponse();
SetAxisMinValue Method | SetAxisMaxValue Method | SetAxisCrossValue Method
Applies To: Chart Object