Retrieves the width in pixels of the generated chart.
int object->GetWidth( )
The GetWidth method returns an integer value that identifies the final width in pixels of the generated chart.
Loading a chart style with the LoadStyle method sets the width to the value stored in the style file.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the GetWidth method.
$chart->SetDataFromQuery(); $chart->LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // Retrieve movie Width and Height set by the call of LoadStyle method $w= $chart->GetWidth(); $h= $chart->GetHeight(); // Now scale the movie by 2 $chart->SetWidth(2 * $w); $chart->SetHeight(2 * $h); $chart->ExportAsResponse();
SetWidth Method | GetTitle Method | GetSubtitle Method | GetHeight Method | GetFrameRate Method
Applies To: Chart Object