Returns the specified value of a series in the chart object.
float object->GetSeriesValue( int index, int valueindex )
If the index argument refers to a series that does not exist in the chart object, the GetSeriesValue method raises an invalid series index error.
If the valueindex argument refers to a data value that does not exist in the specified series, the GetSeriesValue method raises an out of bounds error.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the GetSeriesValue method.
$chart->SetDataFromQuery(); // Retrieves the number of series stored in the chart object $n_series= $chart->GetSeriesCount(); $n_categories= $chart->GetValuesCount(); if( $n_series == 0 ) print("No series available<br>"); else { // Enumerate the series stored in the chart object for( $i= 0; $i < $n_series; ++$i ) for( $j= 0; $j < $n_series; ++$j ) print("Series[" . $i . "][" . $j . "]=" . $chart->GetSeriesValue($i, $j) . "<br>"); }
GetSeriesCount Method | SetSeriesValuesFromString Method | SetSeriesValuesFromArray Method
Applies To: Chart Object