Generates the chart in the requested format and returns the relative url location of the generated cache file as a string.

object.GetOutputLocation( )


Required. A Chart object.

Return Value

The string that specifies the relative url location of the generated chart in the public cache.


The method actually:

The format of the generated content can be specified by the method SetOutputFormat.

For a SVG image file (SVG) the method returns a string like this one:
For a JPEG image file (JPG) the method returns a string like this one:
For a PNG image file (PNG) the method returns a string like this one:
For an Adobe Flash movie (SWF) the method returns a string like this one:
For a PDF document file (PDF) the method returns a string like this one:

PHP Sample Code

The following PHP code illustrates use of the GetOutputLocation method.

  // Create the chart series

  $chart->SetWidth( 400 );
  $chart->SetHeight( 200 );

  // We can now generate the chart as a JPEG image
  $chart->SetOutputFormat( "JPG" );

Here is the chart rendered as an image:<br>
<img src="<?= $chart->GetOutputLocation(); ?>" width=400 height=200>

See Also

SetOutputFormat Method | GetHTMLTag Method | SetCacheName Method | SetPrivateCacheDir Method | SetMaxCacheSize Method | ClearCache Method | UseCache Method

Applies To: Chart Object