Generates the chart in the requested format and writes it to the Response intrinsic object.
object->ExportAsResponse( )
The format of the generated content can be specified by the method SetOutputFormat.
The following PHP code illustrates use of the ExportAsResponse method.
// Create the chart series $values_1= array(); $values_2= array(); $values_1[0] = 10; $values_1[1] = 20; $values_1[2] = 30; $values_2[0] = 100; $values_2[1] = 200; $values_2[2] = 300; $chart->SetSeriesValuesFromArray(0, $values_1); $chart->SetSeriesValuesFromArray(1, $values_2); // Set the graphics settings from a style file $chart->LoadStyle("C:\\myStyle.scs"); // The chart is complete, we can now generate the movie $chart->ExportAsResponse();
ExportAsFile Method | ExportAsBinary Method SetOutputFormat Method
Applies To: Chart Object