Retrieves the number of series values and categories in the chart object.

int object.GetValuesCount( ) 


Required. A Chart object.

Return Value

An integer value containing the number of values per series. This number is also the number of categories.

JSP Code Sample

The following JSP code illustrates use of the GetValuesCount method.

int[] values_1= new int[2];
int[] values_2= new int[3];

values_1[0] = 10;
values_1[1] = 20;

values_2[0] = 100;
values_2[1] = 200;
values_2[2] = 300;

chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray(0, values_1);

// count1 is now equal to 2
int count1= chart.GetValuesCount();

chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray(1, values_2);

// count2 is now equal to 3
int count2= chart.GetValuesCount();

String[] categories= new String[4];

categories[0]= "Cat 1";
categories[1]= "Cat 2";
categories[2]= "Cat 3";
categories[3]= "Cat 4";


// count3 is now equal to 4
int count3= chart.GetValuesCount();

out.println("Count 1= " + count1 + "<br>");
out.println("Count 2= " + count2 + "<br>");
out.println("Count 3= " + count3 + "<br>");

The result displayed in the Web Browser will be:

Count 1= 2
Count 2= 3
Count 3= 4

See Also

SetSeriesValuesFromString Method | SetSeriesValuesFromArray Method | SetCategoriesFromString Method | SetCategoriesFromArray Method | GetSeriesCount Method

Applies To: Chart Object