Retrieves the caption of a data series from its index.
String object.GetSeriesCaption( int index )
The GetSeriesCaption method returns a string value that contains the caption for the series specified by index.
If the index argument refers to a series that does not exist in the chart object, the GetSeriesCaption method raises an invalid series index error.
The GetSeriesCaption method can return an empty string. This happens when the chart object contains series values without any corresponding caption, or when the series does not exist.
The following JSP code enumerates the series stored in a chart object and displays their caption.
// Fill the chart object with data and categories stored in the query string chart.SetDataFromTxtFile("C:\\myData.txt"); // Retrieve the number of series stored in the chart object int n_series= chart.GetSeriesCount(); if( n_series == 0 ) out.println("No series available<br>"); else { // Enumerate the series stored in the chart object for( int i= 0; i < n_series; ++i ) out.println(chart.GetSeriesCaption(i) + " is the Caption for series number " + i + "<br>"); }
SetSeriesCaption Method | GetSeriesValue Method | SetSeriesValuesFromString Method | SetSeriesValuesFromArray Method
Applies To: Chart Object