Specifies the width in pixels of the chart.

object.SetWidth width 


Required. A Chart object.
Required. An integer value that specifies the width in pixels of the chart.


The SetWidth method specifies the width in pixels of the movie or image generated from a chart object.

Loading a chart style with the LoadStyle method sets the width to the value stored in the style file.

VBScript Sample Code

The following VBScript code illustrates use of the SetWidth method in an ASP page.

chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs"

'Retrieve movie Width and Height set by the call of LoadStyle method 
w= chart.GetWidth
h= chart.GetHeight

'Now scale the movie by 2 
chart.SetWidth 2*w
chart.SetHeight 2*h


See Also

GetWidth Method | SetTitle Method | SetSubtitle Method | SetHeight Method | SetFrameRate Method

Applies To: Chart Object