Specifies the color for the trendline associated with a series defined by its index in a chart.

object.SetSeriesTrendlineColor index, color


Required. A Chart object.
Required. An integer value that specifies the zero-based index of the series in the chart object.
Required. A string that specifies the color.


By default, a trendline takes its colors from the chart style.

This method does not add a trendline to a series. The trendline should have been previously added to the series with Swiff Chart.

If the index argument refers to a series that does not exist in the chart object, the series is created.

The color argument can be specified:

If the color argument is an empty string, the default original color is restored.
If the color argument cannot be recognized, the black color is used.

When generating several charts using a single chart object, the ClearAll method can be used between each generated charts.

VBScript Sample Code

The following VBScript code illustrates use of the SetSeriesTrendlineColor method.

Dim values(2)

' Define the series #0
values(0) = 10.5
values(1) = 12.4
values(2) = 15.9
chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray 0, values

' Define the series #1
values(0) = 13.1
values(1) = 15.6
values(2) = 19.2
chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray 1, values

chart.LoadStyle "C:\my-style-with-trendline.scs"

' Set the color of trendline associated to series #1
chart.SetSeriesTrendlineColor 1, "tomato"


See Also

SetSeriesColor Method | SetSeriesValueColor Method | ClearAll Method | Predefined Colors Reference

Applies To: Chart Object