Specifies the output format of the generated chart.
object.SetOutputFormat output_format
The methods GetOutputLocation, ExportAsResponse, ExportAsFile, ExportAsBinary, GetHTMLTag and GetOutputLocation generate the final chart as an image or a Flash movie. The output format of the generated chart is specified by the SetOutputFormat method.
If not specified, the default output format is "SWF" (i.e. Adobe Flash movie)
The output format is defined by a string value (the output_format parameter) which is interpreted as follows:
Code | Definition |
"SVG" |
SVG Image (Scalable Vector Graphics) |
"JPG" |
JPEG Image |
"PNG" |
PNG Image (Portable Network Graphics) |
"SWF" |
Flash Movie (Adobe Flash) |
"PDF" |
PDF Document (Adobe Acrobat) |
The following VBScript code illustrates use of the SetOutputFormat method.
'Create the chart series Dim categories(2) Dim values(2) categories(0) = "Jan" categories(1) = "Feb" categories(2) = "Mar" values(0) = 10 values(1) = 20 values(2) = 30 chart.SetCategoriesFromArray categories chart.SetSeriesValuesFromArray 0, values 'Set the chart title chart.SetTitle "My Chart" 'Set the graphics settings from a style file chart.LoadStyle "C:\myStyle.scs" 'The chart is complete, we can now generate the chart as a JPEG image chart.SetOutputFormat "JPG" chart.ExportAsResponse
ExportAsResponse Method | ExportAsFile Method | ExportAsBinary Method | GetHTMLTag | GetOutputLocation Method
Applies To: Chart Object