Specifies the cross value of a selected axis (the value at which the other axis crosses the selected axis).
object.SetAxisCrossValue axis_number, cross_value
The SetAxisCrossValue method specifies the value on the selected axis at which the other axis crosses the select axis.
The selected axis is defined by an integer value interpreted as follows:
Code | Definition |
0 |
Horizontal Axis |
1 |
Vertical Axis |
2 |
Secondary Horizontal Axis |
3 |
Secondary Vertical Axis |
Use the ResetAxisBounds method to let Swiff Chart Generator automatically determine the Axis Cross value.
The following VBScript code illustrates use of the SetAxisCrossValue method in a ASP page.
'Load the style file first! chart.LoadStyle "C:\myXYStyle.scs" chart.SetSeriesXValuesFromString 0, "02/2007;05/2007;12/2007" chart.SetSeriesYValuesFromString 0, "187.8;156.9;121.8" 'Set the min-max displayed dates of the X axis chart.SetAxisMinValue 0, "12/2006" chart.SetAxisMaxValue 0, "07/2008" 'Set the min-max displayed values of the Y axis chart.SetAxisMinValue 1, 110 chart.SetAxisMaxValue 1, 200 'X axis and Y axis cross at (05/2007,110) chart.SetAxisCrossValue 0, "05/2007" chart.SetAxisCrossValue 1, 110 chart.ExportAsResponse
SetAxisMinValue Method | SetAxisMaxValue Method | ResetAxisBounds Method
Applies To: Chart Object